Thursday 22 March 2012

Right Hand

Right Hand
Author: Chris McManus
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0753813556

Right Hand, Left Hand

- Why are most people right-handed? Do left-handers behave differently from right-handers? - Why is the heart on the left-hand side of the body? - Why is each side of the human brain so different? - Why do the British drive on the left? Why do European languages go from left to right, while Arabic ones read the other way? - Why do clocks go clockwise? - What is the relationship between handedness and speech disorders, such as stuttering? RIGHT HAND, LEFT HAND uses sources as diverse as the paintings of Rembrandt and the sculpture of Michelangelo, the behaviour of Canadian cichlid fish and the story of early cartography. Get Right Hand diet books 2013 for free.
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